
BRAND NEW BOX was so much fun!

The opening for Brand New Box was so much fun! Lots of people came out to see the print show, and I was really excited to see the variety of styles and mediums. The Fall Gallery really cleans up nice! With DJ Guttermax providing the music, the bar behind the counter, and all the people who came out to see the work, the evening was a success! There were even people dancing, me included of course, and I'd say that dancing in an opening is pretty much the definition of success!

Here I am with my prints! They are still up for grabs, and will be on display until April 15! Come check them out!

For more event photos (without just me in them), click



BRAND NEW BOX show @ The FALL Gallery

Come check out the print show, BRAND NEW BOX at The FALL Gallery March 15, 2012! The opening will be at 8pm, but the show which will include prints by twelve emerging artists, including yours truly will be up for sale!

click to go to the facebook event page

(poster by me as well :))